How to Age Like a Fine Wine: TIPS for a Graceful Life

I believe it was Bette Davis who said “Getting old ain’t for sissies.” Well, ain’t that the truth.  At 40 my eyes needed readers; at 50 peri-menopause hit; at 60 the start of cataracts and developing CRSS (can’t remember sh*t syndrome)!

Not to complain here but, good lord what’s next?! I want to age gracefully!  So, what does that actually mean and look like?

This is a question many people ask themselves as they get older, and the answer is not always simple. Aging is a natural process that affects everyone differently, but there are some things that we can do to make it easier and most importantly more fun!

One of the most important factors in aging gracefully is having a positive attitude. Studies have shown that people who are optimistic and happy tend to live longer and healthier lives than those who are pessimistic and unhappy. And I agree! My mantra has always been “it’s all good” even when it may not seem to be. Optimism has helped me cope with stress, challenges, and the changes that have come with aging. It also boosts our immune system and lowers our risk of chronic diseases.

Choosing happiness (because I believe it is a choice 😊) makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives. It enhances our social relationships and our sense of purpose. It also makes us more attractive to others, especially if we smile a lot and laugh at our own jokes. A great way to bring happiness into your being is to start your day with three things you are grateful for.  These can include big things like your family and friends or small things like enjoying the cozy blanket around you or the smell of morning coffee brewing.

Another key factor in aging gracefully is staying active. Physical activity is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health as we age. It helps us prevent or manage conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and dementia. It also improves our mood, memory, cognition, and sleep quality. Exercise does not have to be strenuous or boring; it can be anything that we enjoy and that suits our abilities and preferences. I love walking, gardening, golfing, yoga, cycling, and playing with my grandchildren.

A third factor in aging gracefully is eating well. Nutrition plays a vital role in how we age. It affects our energy levels, weight, skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles, organs, and hormones. I have found a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots and lots of water help prevent or delay age-related diseases and keep me looking and feeling younger. I also limit my intake of processed foods, added sugars, salt, alcohol, and caffeine — I have noticed that as I have aged these particular food items have negative effects on my health and appearance.

Following good nutrition principles, including certain brain supportive supplements like Lions’ Mane mushrooms along with good skin care products have been the keys for me personally to help counteract some of the age-related changes I have experienced.

A fourth factor in aging gracefully is keeping our mind sharp. As we age, our brain undergoes changes that can affect our memory, attention, learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. However, these changes are not inevitable or irreversible; we can protect and enhance our brain function by engaging in stimulating activities that challenge and enrich our mind. Some examples are reading, writing, learning new skills or languages, playing games or puzzles, taking courses or workshops, or volunteering for a cause.

A fifth factor in aging gracefully is nurturing our soul. Aging is not only a physical and mental process; it is also a spiritual one. As we grow older, we may face questions about the meaning of life, death, faith, and legacy. We may also experience emotions such as gratitude, joy, peace, love, forgiveness, or regret. These are opportunities for us to reflect on our values and beliefs, to connect with ourselves and others on a deeper level, and to express our creativity and spirituality. Some examples are meditating, praying, singing, painting, writing, or gardening.

Aging gracefully is not a matter of luck or genes; it is a matter of choice and lifestyle. We can choose to embrace aging as a positive and rewarding experience rather than a negative and fearful one. We can adopt a lifestyle that supports our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being as we age. Think of it as a bottle of fine wine where you get better with age and the right care. So, let’s celebrate the wisdom, beauty, and grace that come with aging. And of course, the senior discounts! 😊