Gratitude – the feeling of thankfulness and happiness that comes from appreciating the gifts that are offered to us.
We are at a time in our history where being grateful and feeling gratitude are more important than ever. The news outlets feed us more negative than positive views of the world and if we allow, we can be swept into a very dark current. This is not to say that we place our heads in the sand to what is happening, but rather in this time of adversity, we need to be especially vigilant to appreciate all that is good in the world for our overall health and well-being.
I see so many people feeding the divisive machine. The “us” vs “them” mentality. But fueling this fire, will only keep us (the collective us as there is no them) divided. And from a health perspective keeps us the “flight or fight” or “freeze” systems, which when extended over time leads to a variety of “dis”-eases within the body, mind and spirit.
By shifting our perspective to living each day in gratitude, we have the opportunity to come back into balance. Balance needed to provide greater resilience, improve our health and our ability to deal with adversity in a more positive way.
So what are some ways that we can live in the feeling of gratitude?
- Start each day when you wake up by saying “thank you”. Thank you for another day to be here, to grow and to share.
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Meditate
- Here’s quick one to try: Get comfortable, close your eyes, soften and relax your body, now think about one thing you are truly grateful for, breathe into the feelings that come from gratitude
- Observe, notice and appreciate the “little” things that we tend to overlook like a hot cup of coffee or tea, the smell of green grass, a cozy blanket, or the warmth of the sun on your face
- Smile and smile often
- Relish a conversation with a friend or loved one
- Watch programs that feed you positive feelings and remind you how much good there is in the world
Let me end here by saying how grateful I am for all of the love and support you all provide to me. Namaste.